CEO Sleepout


One night isn't a lot but Rossdale Homes is very proud that Bill has managed to raise awareness and a total of $12,186 on his first Vinnies Ceo Sleep out.

“2022 CEO and community sleepouts around Australia raised more than $9 million to support people experiencing homelessness, domestic violence and hardship. ‘Vinnies is deeply grateful to the thousands of Australians who supported CEO and COMMUNITY sleepouts across the country.

Whether you slept out, donated, volunteered, or sponsored the event, your contributions will ensure Vinnies can provide hot meals, safe and warm beds and support services for people experiencing disadvantage for the year to come,’ National President Claire Victory said.

Vinnies provides compassionate and respectful care to people experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness across Australia every day.

Vinnies CEO Sleepout is an experiential event that both educates participants about homelessness and raises crucial funds to allow the Society to provide services to people in need. Leaders from a wide variety of organisations, government and community groups who participate in the event hear directly from people with lived experience and learn more about this complex issue first-hand. They are also called to advocate on the issue beyond the event to help bring about change.“

Donations to the Vinnies CEO Sleepout can be made until 31 July 2022 through this link: